So 2022 has begun. The holidays are over. Recently, we held special meetings in our teams to talk about and fix goals for the first quarter of the new year.
And now I would like to outline the main points of my own plan for the first three months.
Of course, I understand that perhaps not all points will come true, but I must try.
So, according to priorities of my Learning Path:
1) Complete eduScrum training.
From October to the end of November 2021, I was a teacher at the School of Scrum Masters at my work. Scrum training at the School is based on eduScrum. In practice, I already know how training is held. And now I want to go through training to immerse myself in all the nuances and get a certificate confirming my qualifications
2) Pass PSM2 exam
Last year I took the PSM1 and now I feel like it’s time to take the PSM2 as well. I am already actively preparing and I really hope to pass the exam in the first quarter of 2022.
3) Complete Less training
I already have experience working with the Less framework, but I would like to take the training and ask clarifying questions to the trainer. In addition, I am sure that I will learn something new.
4) Pass SAFe Advanced Scrum Master exam
I should move further in my learning and it will be my next step. I believe it will help me in my work.
These are my plans, let’s see in April what I will manage to do and what not (and why).
Do you plan your steps and goals quarterly? What pros and cons of this do you see? I would be happy to discuss this topic.