One-to-one meetings are pivotal to establishing trust and improving communication with the team’s memebers and within the team itself. In a one-to-one meeting, a Scrum Master and a team member discuss ongoing performance, feedback, and career development. These meetings foster trust and build relationships, which increases team’s member engagement and productivity. As a Scrum Master, […]
My Plans For Summer 2023
I would like to tell you about my certification plans for this summer. I understand that not everything we plan works out, but without plans, we cannot move forward. We need to have an idea and goals of where and how to move, how to develop professionally. I plan to pursue several certifications this summer […]
Get To Know Your Team Members Beyond The Office
Not so long time ago I talked about launching a new Scrum team. Today I’d like to share some ideas on how to get to know the members of your team better. When teams are first forming, they often consist of people who have never worked together before. In order to work effectively together, team […]
Launching a New Scrum Team
Every Scrum Master or Agile Coach launches new Scrum teams from scratch. Launching a new Scrum team can be an exciting and challenging task. I have already launched quite a few teams and I would like to share my experience. Let’s imagine the situation: you have all team members already and need to start launching […]
Estimation Of User Stories In Story Points
How often do you, as a Scrum Master or Agile coach, face the problem of estimating tasks in a Scrum team? I regularly run across this problem when launching new teams. Estimating the time required to complete a task is simultaneously a very simple and very complex, and sometimes very risky task that all development […]
Why Learn Foreign Languages?
Learning foreign languages contributes to brain development and improves cognitive abilities, making it an excellent brain exercise. Additionally, it opens up additional opportunities for communicating with people from different cultures, broadens horizons, and allows for new experiences. Furthermore, learning foreign languages can significantly enhance career prospects and open doors for working with people from different […]
I Participated In Agile Days 2023 Conference
Agile Days 2023 Conference has taken place – 14 and 21 of April. This conference has become one of the most anticipated events for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches and many others who are interested in Agile World. The conference was set to take place online and offline. So many participants and speakers had come to […]
I Began Diving Into Storytelling
How often do you run across misunderstanding, rejection, resistance when you need to explain any complicated topic? How to build emotional and lively communication with the participants of the meeting? How can we send the participants the main idea we want to explain and do it softly? Storytelling will help with this – a way […]
Workshop How To Work With Conflicts
Once again I dived into the world of eduScrum. Do you remember what eduScrum is? eduScrum is a learning organization system in which the teacher delegates responsibility for the learning process to teams. But responsibility cannot simply be “given away”, it must be done in such a way that the students want and are able […]
I Got The Certificate on Diving Into System Thinking
I really enjoy reading and watching detective stories and adventures. In 85-90% I am able to guess at the very beginning or in the middle of the stories who committed the crime. But it is rather difficult for me to explain how it happens in my head. I just know it and that’s it. In […]