Not so long ago I told you about my plans for Summer 2023, you can find it here. One of my goals was to upgrade my SAFe 5 certification to SAFe 6 certification, the latest version of the Scaled Agile Framework. I have done it. SAFe 6.0 (Scaled Agile Framework) is a methodology for scaling Agile […]
I Got The Certificate on Diving Into System Thinking
I really enjoy reading and watching detective stories and adventures. In 85-90% I am able to guess at the very beginning or in the middle of the stories who committed the crime. But it is rather difficult for me to explain how it happens in my head. I just know it and that’s it. In […]
My New Step in Learning – Business Analysis Fundamentals
How familiar are you with the typical process model of a company and the basics of process optimization? Don’t you think that since the Scrum Master or Agile Coach work with teams and with the company as a whole, it is necessary for them to know the way the processes in the company are arranged? […]
Objectives and Key Results
Today, 09.11.2022, I took part in the online webinar OKR Review: Gather Your First Goals for “Objective and Key Results” hosted by ScrumTrek. It was a two-hour seminar with an overview and Q&A on this topic. I would like to thank Sergey Rogachev, Konstantin Khokhrin and Ivan Seleverstov for organizing and holding this event and for detailed answers to the questions of […]
I got Management 3.0 Certificate
In October 2022, I took a very interesting training Management 3.0 A new look at leadership. The training was conducted by ScrumTrek and the trainer was Sergey Lipchansky. The training lasted two days and was built on theoretical blocks interspersed with practical exercises. At the end of the training I got certificate. On the first […]
Assessment of Facilitaion and Training Skills
This spring we had an assessment of 40 Scrum Masters at my work. This event lasted more than a month and was hosted by an outside organization. We were eassessed on many aspects and among them were the practice of facilitation, preparation of facilitation plans, training skills. I found it very interesting and helpful. During […]
I got PSM II certificate
The third point of my plan for the first quarter of 2022 has been completed. I passed the test and received PSM2 certificate. I was going to hand it in in December 2021. But as usual, December turned out to be very busy at work. So I decided to do it at the beginning of […]
I got eduScrum Certification
The second point in my plan for the first quarter 2022 was training and certification in eduScrum. You probably know what eduScrum is. For those who don’t know or forgot: eduScrum is an adaptation of Scrum for the educational process, that is a way of organizing learning process. It can be used in schools and […]
I took Certified LeSS Basics Course
One of the points of my plan for the first quarter 2022 is done. On the 16th of February, 2022, I participated in the Certified LeSS Basics course in ScrumTrek. Alexey Voronin conducted the training online and it lasted all day. I have work experience with this framework, but I wanted to structure my knowledge, […]
My Power of PowerPoint
My Power of PowerPoint…Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? I really like to draw something, do something with my hands. As a child, I made toys from fur, knitted toys, made flowers from fabric, made crafts from leaves, cones, seeds, branches, mushrooms, made papier-mâché and other paper crafts, and etc. And this desire to decorate life, to […]