Category: Certification

All certificates and training courses I have got


I got PSM Certificate

On October 14, I successfully passed the Professional Scrum Master 1 test at and was awarded the certificate. Here it is. As far as you know, in November, 2020, a new version of the Scrum Guide was released. That’s why I had the idea to check and confirm my knowledge according to this new […]


I took Kanban System Design training

On 21-24 of September I took a certification training at ScrumTrek called Kanban System Design and led by trainer Arthur Nek. This training is devoted to an overview of the use of the Kanban method: from visualization of flow and design of the Kanban System to evolutionary changes in the process. The training took place […]


I am a Team Kanaban Practitioner

On 13th of September, I participated in the Team Kanban Practitioner (TKP) Online training at ScrumTrek. At this training Василий Савунов explained the basics of Kanban method and taught how to organize the work of the Kanban system at the level of one team so that work processes become predictable and transparent. It is the very first training in my […]


I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner!

My new achievement – I was awarded the designation Certified Scrum Product Owner. On 17-18 of December, 2020 I have participated in the training course “Certified Scrum Product Owner” by Pavel Dabrytski at ScrumTrek and got the certificate issued by Scrum Alliance. It was a very eventful two-day training, filled not only with theory, but […]


I am a Software QA Tester!

My studies at Software QA Tester course by Practicum by Yandex ended and now I am a Software QA Tester. I learned a lot and met interesting people. The world of testing is so big and interesting so to know all its amazing secrets you need to dive deeper into it. Well it will be my […]

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