I Got The Certificate on Diving Into System Thinking

I Got The Certificate on Diving Into System Thinking

I really enjoy reading and watching detective stories and adventures. In 85-90% I am able to guess at the very beginning or in the middle of the stories who committed the crime. But it is rather difficult for me to explain how it happens in my head. I just know it and that’s it. In many cases it applies not only to fictional detective adventures, but also in ordinary everyday life.

To solve any work and life issues, a systematic approach and systemic thinking are needed. What is it?

System thinking is the ability to identify and analyze systems based on a systems approach. This is an approach in which a process or an object is considered as consisting of many elements that interact and mutually influence each other.

I had desire to develop myself and to study the tools for analyzing systems and generating ideas, to understand how this process takes place, in what way I can explain it to other people.

As soon as I had the opportunity, I successfully passed the training “Diving into system thinking”.

The training lasted 5 weeks. There were theoretical blocks, exercises in the simulator, a group quiz and the final detective game about a bank robbery.

I got acquainted with the basics of the theory of a system approach and the tools of system analysis, as well as the criteria for evaluating system solutions.

While doing the exercises, I had practice with the tools for systemic research of the problem, searched for the roots of mistakes, depicted problems and projects in the form of a structure: the Ladder of Inference method, the Ishikawa Diagram, a Tree Diagram, and others.

And I also got acquainted with another method of effective search for solutions – SCAMPER. Do you know it? SCAMPER is an acronym formed from the abbreviation of: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify (also magnify and minify), Put to another use , Eliminate, and Reverse. SCAMPER is a lateral thinking technique which challenges the status quo and helps you explore new possibilities.

It is just the first step. Now I understand how to explain some steps that make me come to some conclusions. It’s inspiring. I feel I need to study more. I enjoyed the tutorial and most likely I will look for the training on system thinking, because I feel I need to study more. It’s very important to learn to find the roots of problems to solve them for good, not for some time.

Here is my certificate:

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